
Saturday, October 13, 2012

IP/ICC Barangay Representatives undergo orientation seminar

On October 8-11, 2012 an orientation seminar for the newly appointed Indigenous People (IP) and Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) Barangay Representatives was organized by the Local Government of General Santos City headed by its Chief Executive Honorable Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio and through the DILG headed by Atty. Rochelle Mahinay-Sero at the Family Country Hotel this city.

In behalf of the City Mayor Antonino-Custodio, the chief guest was Honorable Eduardo D. Leyson IV, chair of the Committee on Human Rights, spoke during the said event. The city councilor urged the IPs present to unite themselves to end the discrimmination. 

Before the said orientation was held, an oath taking ceremony of the 10 Mandatory IP Barangay Representatives was held last July 9, 2012 through the initiative of the DILG which was formally officiated by no other than the City Mayor Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio.

During the seminar, the newly appointed barangay representatives of IPs/ICC were taught how to construct a simple resolution, basic understanding of human rights was also introduced. While the overall situation of the IPs and ICC were discussed by resource persons and facilitators.

The realization of this orientation seminar for the IPs is a positive mechanism to help them ensure and enforce  their rights, taking consideration of their custom and tradition, values and beliefs.

awarding of certificates to the newly appointed IP/ICC Barangay Representatives

sample resolution made by the participating IP

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