
Monday, October 29, 2012

GenSan Celebrates Meat Safety Consciousness Week

General Santos City joined forces as they celebrated the 20th National Meat Safety Consciousness Week last October 15-19, 2012 with the theme "Karneng Ligtas at Sapat, Kabalikat ng Lahat." The observance of the celebration also coincides with the Consumer Month Celebration held during the October.

The 5-day celebration was highlighted with the distribution of meat to qualified recipients and the bowling tournament which was held last October 19, 2012 . The said event was participated by various meat vendors, food processors and cooperatives such as the GSC Meat Vendors Multi Purpose Cooperative, Southern Ventures, Bounty Fresh Chicken.

The 20th celebration of meat safety consciousness aims to gather different livestock industries and have a common emphasis on the role of everyone to ensure the safety of meat for consumption.

The Chairperson on Committee on Food and Agriculture City Councilor Eduardo D. Leyson IV's simple message was clear, he emphasized everybody's goal towards self-sufficiency that the public's safety and health must not be sacrificed over maximum production.

Awarding of Certificate of Recognition to all small and medium scale meat vendors and processors who participated in the week long celebration.

The Local Government of General Santos headed by City Mayor Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio and the Department of Agriculture assured the public that the government is working hard to provide meat vendors and processors safe production by ensuring a safe workplace such as the slaughterhouse to supply the local market quality products and hopefully compete in the international market.

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