
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Datu Balunto National HS

On March 29, Datu Balunto B. National High School at  Barangay San Jose, this city conducted its 11th Commencement Exercises. The Graduation Ceremony started with a processional march of the candidates of the said graduation with their parents, school administrators, faculty and staff.

City Kagawad Ed Leyson IV handed the medal to one of the academic awardees

processional march of the graduating class

The once in a lifetime moment of the graduating students were witnessed by Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV, as he is one of the guest speakers. He also joined the school head in presenting the diplomas one by one to the graduating class.

 Hon. Leyson IV just before the graduation ceremony

Hon. Ed Leyson IV handing each graduate their high school diploma

congratulating parents of the graduating students

 an inspirational speech was given by Honorable Eduardo Leyson IV

City Kagawad Ed Leyson IV gave an emotional yet inspirational message to Datu Balunto Class of 2012. He gave words of wisdom and challenged the class to continue to excel not only in academics but also beyond their capabilities. He also congratulated the school for giving such an academic standard of teaching that the students were able to surpass all academic and non-academic challenges.

 Hon. Leyson IV imparted words of wisdom to the new graduates

The commencement exercises was indeed a success, not only to the graduating class of 2012 but also for their parents, teachers, school administrators and sponsors who have supported them for the years in high school.

Congratulations Datu B. Balunto National High School Class 2012.

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