
Thursday, May 3, 2012

4th Celebration of Life

The GSC SPED Integrated School celebrated its 4th Celebration of Life last March 23, 2012 with the theme "Your Gift of Learning, Our Tool for Nation Building". Present was Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV as guest speaker.

 Honorable Ed Leyson IV - ready for his speech

An integral part of the life of a catholic school are prayer, reflection, sacramental and liturgical celebrations. With these they not only bring the journey of life but also faith in word, action and symbol.

This celebration of life from the different Division of Schools form part of the development of personal relationship of students and school staff to the Almighty God. It also promotes shared understanding of Gospel values thus enhancing the opportunities of these young students to be closer with God.

GSC SPED Integrated School HS Students

Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV is a proud father of Gian Carlo.

celebrating life

Ma'am Riza Robin Valdez hands Hon. Ed Leyson IV a Certificate of Appreciation

As the lone guest speaker of the 4th Celebration of Life, the GSC SPED Integrated School awarded Hon. Eduardo Leyson IV a Certificate of Appreciation for his invaluable support and commitment extended to the school.

Hon. Ed Leyson IV's son received an award

With the cooperation of all the school staff as well as the students, Hon. Leyson IV envisioned the young leaders and awardees of the school together with their educators to soar greater heights. This is because everyone are in a search for excellence in education.

Congratulations GSC SPED Integrated School for the success of the 4th Celebration of Life!

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