
Saturday, February 25, 2012

1st Cattle Congress in Gensan: A SUCCESS!

The recently concluded 1st Cattle Congress held last February 20, 2012 at the Gensan Sports Center this city was a success! During the said event delegates, participants and guests from different regions graced the ocassion. The Federation of Cattle Raisers Association of the Philippines (FCRAP) officers and members, headed by Mr. Randy Favis and Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV were very proud of the turnout of the registration.

Of course the event wouldn't be possible without the undying support of the FCRAP Board of Directors and members and other participating corporates. The 1st Cattle Congress or the Beef Congress was the first in the city. The congress aimed to let their members from different regions be heard and let their future plans be discussed with the national government representatives regarding the cattle industry in the country.

The congress was focused on a dialogue between the representative from the National Government, ranchers and industry stakeholders. They were gathered to thresh out problems and seek more opportunities wherever they may be and to help assist in the formulation of a road map for the future.

FCRAP members - Outgoing President Mr. Randy Favis with incoming president Mr. Billy Badilla together with Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV
Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV as interviewed by local ABS-CBN's Ms. Chat Ansagay
Sir Ed Leyson IV happy with the success of the 1st Cattle Congress
speaker from Pfizer discussed several topics and issues regarding the livestock industry
speaker from Bayer Animal Health
Pfizer and Bayer both gave a short but very brief lecture of the potential risks and diseases today's livestock industry can encounter as well as the available medicines and supplements offered by each company.

together with Ed Leyson IV and Gerry Aguilar, Chester Tan poses with his new wall clock sponsored by Pfizer.
Several sponsors also gave their full support by giving away souvenier items such as notebooks, wall clocks, handy bags, ballpens and read on materials related to raising cattles and other livestock animals. Thanks to Pfizer and Bayer for the wonderful items!

Hon. Eduardo D. Leyson IV and the rest of the participants would also like to relay their heartfelt thanks to Hon. Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio for being a part of the congress eventhough she was not able to attend because she was at the league of cities meeting in Manila. The Local Government of Gensan particularly the City Mayor's Office also sponsored the congress.

Representative of Ma'am DAC, Dr. Jose Orlando Acharon welcomed the delegates and guests during the opening program of the cattle congress.
Mr. Dime casts his votes for the FCRAP Election
participants very serious with the voting
In the afternoon, FCRAP members conducted an election to elect its new President and Board of Directors.

Special thanks also to Musikalilangan local bands for setting the mood and rendering their soulful voices and filling the venue with acoustc music.
local band from Katribu MusiKalilangan
young talents of Generals on the rise
Katribu Musikalilangan bands with Mr. Jonathan Jamir (partially hidden)
More Photos Here.....

FCRAP members and participants from Australia exchanged insights
Hon. Richard L. Atendido, Ma'am Sarah and participants discussed the Rodeo Day
FCRAP cowboys take a pose at Gensan Sports Center

The 1st Cattle Congress carries it's Vision:
A better growth of cattle industry in the future.
Promote and maintain the growth and improvement of agriculture and the cattle industry in the Philippines, relative to the breeding and production of cattle and its by-products.

1 comment:

  1. do you have the official website of facebook account of the Federation of Cattle Raisers Association of the Philippines
    your help much appreciated
    we're new members and found it difficult to access the site
