
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lola Techie ng Bayan visited GenSan

Who would have thought that the country's most sought after grandma would come and visit General Santos City? An effective spokesperson in the field of advertising one of the country's biggest telecom company - BayanTel. Lola Techie as everyone would prefer to call her since her appearance in the famous humorous TV commercial triggers almost every watcher thus creating more users.

Honorable City Kagawads Ed Leyson IV, Nep Natividad and Beth Bagonoc with the lolo's and lola's of Gensan

In its mission to continue publicize its famous "Teach Lola Advocacy Campaign" that is equipped to encourage the older generation to make wave and connect with the new internet generation by learning basic computer skills that will eventually get them connected to the world via the World Wide Web (WWW).

Another objective of the campaign is to push the new generation particularly the young ones to teach their older parents and grandparents how to use these new technology and throughout the course help revive their relationship with their loved ones.

According to the Bayan's head of sales for Mindanao Region, the company have chosen to tie up with the City Mayor's Office particularly with this project because of their shared vision of continuous development with the use of technology mainly for the senior citizens of GenSan.

Kagawad Eduardo Leyson IV congratulated one of the graduates of the program

Kagawad Eddie Leyson IV exchanged ideas with techie lolo of Gensan

the not so older generation with the lolo and lola techies of Gensan

During the culmination program held at the Atrium of Robinson' Place which was organized by SHEEP Computer Literacy Program and the OSCA with the theme "Lola Techie Salutes the Generals". Lola Techie, as the inspirational speaker told the graduating lolo and lola techie to continue learning by the way of familiarizing the use of computers as a medium of communication.

Chair on Committee on Women and Social Services, Kag. Nep Natividad shared her words of encouragement for the lolo and lola techies

Lola Techie as one of the guest speakers led by City Mayor Darlene Antonino-Custodio

Lola Techie mentioned Bayan and LGU Gensan for their untiring commitment in helping majority of the population - the senior citizens to be part of the fast growing technology and be useful and productive in their own little way.

Mayor Darlene Antonino-Custodio spearheaded the list of guest speakers

giving of certificates to the graduates

Hon. Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio led the awarding of certificate of completion to more than 100 participants who have undergone the 3-day workshop. The highlight not only focused on the culmination activity but also during the turn over of 5 brand new computer units from the City Mayor's Office and internet connection from Bayan.

The computers will be used to offer free training on basic computer operations and the use of Facebook to all interested senior citizens in the city. The event didn't end without showcasing the launching of the official homepage of the senior citizens. The said webpage was originally developed by the hardworking crew of SHEEP-CLP composed of consultants and trainers specialized in information technology. The website will act as the portal the Office of Senior Citizens Affair-Gensan presenting the past, present and future milestones of the senior citizens of the city.

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