
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Women's Month Celebration 2012

Last March 8, 2012 different women's group from the 26 barangays of General Santos City flock the GSC Oval Court to celebrate the 2012 Women's Month with the national theme dubbed as "Women Weathering Climate Change: Governance and Accountability Everyone's Responsibility".

City Councilor and Committee Chairperson on Women and Children

from left to right. Kag. Ed Leyson IV, Kag. Nep Natividad, Kag. Meg Santos and Kag. Beth Bagonoc

Kag. Virgie Llido chats with Kag. Ed Leyson IV

Kag. Virgie Llido poses as Kag Ed Leyson IV and Kag. Ric Atendido exchange thoughts

Kag. Ed and Kag. Ric watched the participant's talent show seriously

Kag. Santos, Kag. Bagonoc and Kag. Dinopol celebrated with the women of Gensan

 women of 16th SP in Gensan

CM Darlene Magnolia R. Antonino-Custodio grace the celebration with her speech.

CM DAC congratulated everyone present for celebrating with the women. She also congratulated the women for being an inspiration to the community. The honorable City Mayor described women with common qualities as of the Mother Nature. Citing several qualities which leads to the empowerment and the leadership of women not only in their respective homes but also with the community.

women of different barangays showcase their talents

interpretative dance contest gave entertainment to the crowd

faces of women in Gensan

The National Women's Month Celebration always aims to raise awareness of the Magna Carta of Women as well as the elimination of discrimination of women. The month long celebration also promotes women empowerment and gender responsive budgeting in public schools. It also drives women as role models in organizing a decent work, good governance and quality public services in time of economic crisis and climate change.

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